Wednesday, September 03, 2014


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Sorry for the short hiatus! We were away for our mini honeymoon in Bali. :)


I fondly refer to our mini honeymoon as mini-moon...

Him: Who coined the term "mini-moon?"

Me: Hmm.. I am not sure. But it's quite a common word la!

Him: Wah.. Luckily we didn't go on a cruise for our honeymoon!

Me: ???

Him: If not we will have to call it "Sailor-moon".

Me: -_-||

Follow                                            Revel in me...


Happy walker said...

I want to go vacation liao~

(A Growing Teenager Diary Malaysia)

ally said...

:D CM so witty!

Jin Jin said...

Heya.. just wanted to know who designs the azoria website ?

I am been looking for a web designer to host my kids clothing collection..