Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wedding Talk: My engagement ring.

Almost exactly a year ago, the boy proposed to me! I haven't blogged about the proposal yet (*bad blogger*); however, today, I am going to talk about my engagement ring.

Save for this photo that I shared on my Instagram, I have never posted a photo of my ring before:

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Everyone commented on how big the rock is, haha. It's not true! We took the photo with a flash, hence the halo of diamonds made it look super unrealistically big haha.

Anyway, here is a photo of the ring:

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Well, the thing is, while the ring is really beautiful, I didn't feel that it was ME. When planning the proposal, the boy consulted help from Teeny.... who for some reason didn't try to sneakily find out what sort of ring designs I like. T__T

Instead, she gave him some random Tiffany & Co. design that I showed her more than 10 years ago. T___T To make matters worse, she took one of my rings for the boy as measurements' sake for the engagement ring, and I don't know which ring she took-- 'cause the ring is 4 sizes too big for me. T______T We took it back to the jeweller (who is the boy's aunt, hurray!), but it was impossible to resize it to fit me perfectly as it was too big and has diamonds down both sides of the ring. The boy's aunt could only reassure me that when I get pregnant, my fingers will swell and then I can fit into the ring WTF.

My ring was kept in a safe since. It does make me feel sad sometimes, when I see other girlfriends flaunting their engagement ring, whereas mine did not even fit properly. Not to mention, I felt immense guilt inside for not LOVING my ring.

The boy did tell me on the night of his proposal to feel free to change the design of the ring. But I steadfastly told him no. 'Cause I would feel really bad for doing so, I think! It's kind of like cheating on the original ring wtf.

Anyway, it wasn't till a dinner with Kit Mey end of last year in Singapore that I revisited the idea of changing my ring's design. Kit Mey also did a mild modification to her engagement ring (by adding some diamonds to the band), and she reassured (practically forced, haha) me that it's completely okay to redesign my ring, that I should LOVE my ring and be proud of it, and that I am the one who has to face it for my whole life.

And y'know what? SHE IS RIGHT!

I went back to the boy that night, and asked him whether it's okay that I redesign the engagement ring, and he said okay. And thus my ring research started. I will have to emphasize here that I had NO idea what sort of rings I like. So in a way, I can't blame Teeny or the boy for not knowing my ring tastes at all. In fact, even Jing, who probably has the most similar style preferences to me, admitted that she wouldn't know what sort of ring I like as well! Which is why although Carrie Bradshaw said in Sex and the City before: "Wrong ring, Wrong guy", I wasn't affected la hahaha.

Anyway, during my research, I realized that I don't have a penchant for platinum rings (which is what my ring is made of). Instead, I kept on gravitating towards... ROSE GOLD. Now this is a BIG problem. It would be much simpler if I were to recast my ring i.e. melt the platinum and make a new design. But changing to rose gold is a whole new level of complexity (and cost)! Not to mention, rose gold is so uncommon. What if I regret it in 5 years? 10 years? I was so scared and almost chickened out of the whole ring-redesigning idea.

Nonetheless, I have a ring design (in rose gold) that I like, and I showed it to the boy as I wanted his blessing for the new ring design that I would end up with. At the same time, I managed to find a photo of a platinum version of the same ring. I was quite nervous, 'cause the boy hates gold, so I told him that I am okay with a platinum version too. And he told me that the rose gold version is much nicer, and that I should just get something that I really love, that's all he wants for me. Bless him!

So I took the plunge, and sent in my ring for a complete makeover early this year. And yes, I decided to throw away all my worries about rose gold and just GOLD FOR IT (haha). Yes, rose gold is not a classic choice for brides, but I am not a classic girl anyway! I am sure some people will not agree with my choice, but at the end of the day, it is MY ring, and I know what I want best. :)

Well, very recently I got back my ring... And ladies and gentlemen, this is the FIRST time I am revealing it!

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TADA! It's really simple, but so delicate and beautiful. And I don't regret getting rose gold one bit! Since young, I have always preferred gold to silver/ white metals anyway. In fact, almost all my costume jewellery are gold, so this would go with my existing accessories collection much better. :)

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And that's the story of my engagement ring, hehe. Am admiring it as I type this post LOL.

Speaking of engagement rings, I will be updating about my wedding-planning real soon! Am thinking of popping by at KLCC this weekend as they are having a wedding expo from Fri-Sun (25-27 April), and will definitely make a pitstop at's booth to redeem a gift. :D

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Eve said...

its lovely!!

Francesca said...

It's beautiful and love the new design! It's delicate yet intricate! Love it!

Cat said...

Its much nicer than the previous design and really suit you.

ms.bulat said...

The previous design actually looks quite old school hahah the new ring is very pretty!

Lynette said...

OMG you've just set the bar for my dream engagement ring. So classy! So now how do I hint this to anyone who wants to propose to me ah? lol

revel in me said...

eve: Thanks dear! :D

Francesca: You put it way better than I can! Plan to layer it with my wedding band later on, so I like it looking more delicate. <3

Cat: Hehe thanks for the stamp of approval! :D

ms bulat: Haha ya a bit, and not ME la! T_T Thank you for the love for the new ring haha!

lynette: Omg best compliment ar, dream engagement ring!! Haha, just saw him the photo! This kind of things must take charge WTF.