Sunday, May 19, 2013

Revenge is sweet.

The aftermath of our Europe trip?

5,000 photos yo.

You can imagine, at about the 3,437th photo, we started getting restless.
So we started having a little fun...

By photobombing each other's photos, haha.

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Whee! At Lucerne Switzerland.

It started with me photo-bombing Jing's selfie session because she rather camwhored than talk to me wtf.

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Hey Macarena! Cruising around Lake Lucerne, Switzerland.

Then Jing photo-bombed Teeny...

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 I didn't look amused. At Louvre, Paris.

Teeny photo-bombed me. And the cycle went on... -___-

PS: The boyfriend read my blog post as I was blogging and shook his head, murmuring "So childish" under his breath wtf. And he warned me that if anyone photo-bomb our wedding photos, it's all my karma hahahahaha.

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