Sunday, January 20, 2013

Harian Metro feature.

I was featured in a Malay newspaper last month, I am sure everyone has heard of Harian Metro? :D

It was a feature on online-shopping, and they did an interview with me for AZORIAS. I was super nervous to be conducting an interview in Malay, 'cause it's the understatement of the century that my Malay is rusty. -_- But by some stroke of luck, during the interview, some of my SPM Malay knowledge started coming back, and by interweaving some English, I managed to get through the interview!

Right-click for bigger image.

To suit the paper's audience, I went for conservative chic-- wearing AZORIAS diamante pearl cluster shirt (love me a fancy white shirt), black highwaisted tailored harem pants from Bysi, and black suede pumps from Topshop. What do you think of this look? :)

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YY said...


revel in me said...

yee yen: Thank you dear! <3