Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekend workfit.

Did a stocktake for the office over the Raya weekend as we were long due for one, and it was the best time to do it due to the halting of shipping during the long weekend (i.e. no movement of stocks).

Decided to wear something light and easy. For some reason, I decided that lace was appropriate. :P

Sorry for the shitty pictures, I didn't bring a camera out 'cause it was supposed to be work! T_T

Wearing a sheer lace peplum top (with inner slip) and that's my new iPhone case! I have an obsession with dressing up my phone.

Comfy flats as we were on our feet a lot for that day.
The fur on my shoes' bows is from my dog FML.

Ivory sheer lace peplum (and slip): AZORIAS
Denim shorts: Valleygirl
Pearl cluster and rope n
ecklace: Jing's
Patent slippers with grosgrain bows: Korea

I will be going off to Korea tomorrow. A hectic week awaits me!

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Anonymous said...

where did you buy your cover! have been searching for ages.

Nana said...

Lets meet up! Im in Korea too .. :)