Sunday, May 13, 2012

Batman forever,

A simple tee and jeans combination for work:

Batman tee: Korea
Ripped striped boyfriend jeans: F21
Green dimante choker: Korea
Black cutout pumps: Zara

Follow me on Instagram! @revelinme

Someone in the office saw my tee and asked, "Where is your Avengers' tee?" WTFF

By the way, is it me, or was The Avengers a complete letdown of a movie?

Follow                                            Revel in me...


Anonymous said...

No i don't think its you.

Have you watched the Hunger Games? I don't know whats the hype about it either. It has raving reviews!


Anonymous said...

Hui Wen, you look great and its nice to see you loosen up your looks at times. Itll be better if you put on a spring/summer looking wedge with it. Hahaha....just saying.

Anonymous said...

Not you. Avengers overrated!
Agreed with Anon too. Hunger Games?! Is it that good?! Its so hard for hollywood to shock us anymore.

revel in me said...

jessica: It was such an utter letdown! s for the hunger games, people said that the book is better? I haven't got my hands on the book yet though!

anonymous: Haha I wear slipper in the offices, is that spring/ summer enough? :P

anonymous: I think I went in with really high expectations 'cause everyone around me was raving about it! But it was just 'meh' for me. I will most likely catch hunger games on dvd, hehe!