Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Coming of age.

So it was my birthday yesterday.

Halfway during coffee and cake, the boyfriend pointed at his iPad and patted me. "Congratulations", he told me.

Perplexed, I was like "???"

Then he showed me this article:

WTFFF. -________________________-

But jokes aside, I had a very peaceful birthday. Amazingly enough, it struck me that this year it didn't occur to me to make a birthday wishlist (i.e. hints to loved ones hehehe) [click *here* for last year's wishlist]. I racked through my brain to see what I would like, but other than to continuously see healthy growth for AZORIAS, and a few business management books (which I will be heading to MPH to place an order soon), I can't really think of what I would like. Of course, I am not going to resist pretty clothes and jewels and bags if you give 'em to me! But I guess what I am saying is that... I am truly happy now. :)

In fact, I am truly happy.. even with growing another year older! I spent a huge part of my early twenties resisting growing old. When I turned 21, I was scared shit of becoming an adult. I always felt that I wasn't ready, if it makes any sense. There are some days (mostly in my first year of work) where I feel like a child in adult's clothes playing an 'adult' game that involved taxes and insurance. The idea of marriage terrified me, the concept of a mortgage was foreign and unreachable. I remember having this conversation with my girlfriends wondering at which point do you suddenly become... an adult. Will we be struck by lightning one day, BOOM, and we will start feeling and acting like an adult, we joked lightheartedly then.

No lightning happened in my case though.

When I hit 25 years old, I went through the cliched quarter-life crisis (surprisingly enough though, a lot of my peers went through the same phase), and breaking up with my first boyfriend of 6 years sure didn't help. That year was spent in a daze, mainly trying to pick up the pieces. The following year when I turned 26, I guess I had all the pieces in hand already, and it was a year of getting to know myself all over again, of discovering myself, of building myself. I felt (and still feel) confident and empowered. Suddenly, the future seems to opened up for me. So did my mind. Suddenly, I am no longer afraid. Whilst I am not ready to get married any time soon, marriage is no longer a taboo subject to me. It's just something that will happen in the future, and it will come when it comes. Buying a property is one of my top priorities now, and whilst I am not anywhere close to owning my first one, I am working real hard towards this goal.

Call it coming of age of whatever, but part of the enjoyment now is to enjoy this... growth, this easing into womanhood and adulthood, and all I really want is to savor each day and each process. :)

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Amelia said...

Well said! :)

All the best for Azorias and everything else in your life. I am kinda having my quarter-life crisis right now >.< and sigh...being an adult with lots of responsibilities is certainly not easy, but I enjoy whatever that comes with it! ^^

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Mei said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great one :)

yy said...

happy belated birthday! i think in taking the step to becoming a entrepreneur (and a successful one at that), you've definitely grown up more than most of your peers would.

i have so much respect for you for stepping out of your comfort zone. hope Azorias will keep doing well and stay amazing!! :)

Anonymous said...

Blessed belated birthday Hui Wen! Guess you couldn't be at a happier position in your life now :)

Awesome news to hear really.

Wandering nomad from KL said...

Happy birthday Hui Wen!

Karmun said...

Happy belated birthday! Thank you so much for putting all this into sch a refreshing perspective. I turn all but 22 this August and with graduation fast approaching, it scares the hell out of me, what awaits me beyond this point. Holding down a job alone seems such a daunting task! It's nice to know from someone who has indeed been through all this that only better things await :) have a great 26th year! :)

Ju said...

Well said post! I am also resisting my 20s now as im growing older every year and the future of being an adult and swamped with bills and getting my own property scares the shit out of me. good to know that im not alone in this and hopefully one day i'll be able to take charge of my life like u

jeanchristie said...

happy belateed birthday love ;) all the best with Azorias!