Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Nuffnang story.

I can't remember when my Nuffnang story started... Because it seems that as long as I've been blogging, I've been with Nuffnang.

I first heard of Nuffnang when Teeny was the only one in the Hoe family who blogs. I found the idea of getting paid when people click on a banner in your blog both absurd and enticing at the same time. I didn't pay much attention to Nuffnang then, simply because I didn't blog.

Nonetheless, when I subsequently did started blogging in Australia, it was a very natural process then to sign up for Nuffnang. My involvement with Nuffnang when I was studying in Melbourne was minimal, in a way. The banner clicks do work though, and you can see the money payable to yourself growing slowly. It was kind of fun, because it's like a receiving a bonus doing something that you already enjoy doing anyway.

After I graduated, I came back to Malaysia. And I found myself attending one of the biggest Nuffnang events then! The Nuffnang Pajama Party:

Everyone was dressed to the T according to the theme, and we didn't feel the least bit out of place! :P

Spot me!

Read more *here*.

Despite starting work in Singapore after that, I would still make time and come back to KL for another one of Nuffnang's big bash, this time with an animal theme.

With Audrey and Suet Lee, both good friends whom I met through blogging. And because for me, blogging is intertwined with Nuffnang, you can say that we met through Nuffnang.

Read more *here*.

When I was in Singapore, I was also assigned my first advertorial! You can read about it here.

The downside of working away from home is that I had to miss out on a lot of subsequent Nuffnang events. Needless to say when I quit my job in Singapore last year, I found myself making up for lost time by turning up at some Nuffnang events:

At Frames in Sunway Pyramid a few months back.

The highlight of my Nuffnang story would be when I was chosen as Nuffnang's featured blogger for June 2011!


I also got to do a lot of cool reviews/ advertorials, for example reviewing beauty products, trying out the Samsung Galaxy tab and subsequently loved it so much that I bought it (and 'cause we were invited to the launch I got it for the media price, woohoo!), and doing shopping-related advertorials where we are basically... instructed to shop wtf. Nuffnang also arranged for me to to share a bit of my life story, my style and how AZORIAS came about here, to share and and inspire young people. :')

I remember discussing with Audrey before-- if you are a blogger, by default you are a Nuffnang blogger. That's how big Nuffnang's influence is. I cannot imagine blogging without Nuffnang, because I am sure my blogging process/ story would be a lot lackluster. I don't know what is in store for me in terms of blogging/ Nuffnang, but one thing is for sure, I am looking forward to growing with you, Nuffnang.

Come 16 December 2011, 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.

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foodie said...

I've been waiting for this post! Can't wait to see your 'red carpet' dress for this event. :)

Joanne said...

It is because of nuffnang I get to know you too :)

can't wait to see you dress up for the award night!

Ken Wooi said...

Well, I think a blogger can be considered as a Nuffnang blogger if he/she is active with Nuffnang. :)

revel in me said...

sparks in spring: STRESSSS!! I am flying to Korea this weekend, and will be back only shortly before the event-- no time to find a dress, AAHHH!!

joanne: Aww, Nuffnang united me with some lovely readers too! <3

ken: Haha, I don't really get what you meant, but yay support nuffnang!