Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why I bought the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.

I bought the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 last Friday!

So I thought it'd be fun to come up with reasons for why I got it. Other than the reasons mentioned in my video here, here are 7 more reasons (one for each day of the week, heh):

1. Chilling out

I get to chill out and not be bored (and still look cool wtf). Due to my sometimes hectic and ad-hoc schedule, I often find that I need to eat out alone. What I usually do is I bring a magazine out-- but with the tab which is so light and sleek, I can easily carry it around and whip it out anytime!

This is especially true when I am in Korea now-- I am alone, and to pass time during meal-times and in the train, I play with my Tab!

2. Business meetings

One of the main reasons why I decided I need a tablet in my life. I meet so many people who ask me about AZORIAS, and I've no means of showing them our website in full glory (let's face it, seeing the website on Blackberry doesn't have the same oomph). Also, more importantly, it's extremely useful to bring out for my business meetings! Whether it is to run through files or to take notes, the tab is a godsend.

3. Makeshift camera

Picture taken at my mom's best friend's son's birthday dinner (boy, that's a mouthful!). I didn't bring my camera, so the tab was used instead. Picture is blurry because all the aunties are hyperactive and cannot stay still for a picture. -_-

4. Making videos

Blogged about it here.

5. Polaris Office

Teeny was given the task to revamp our kitchen, so we had to adhere to the budget while shopping in Ikea. Here we are, compiling a list of all the things we need.

One of the most important reason why the Galaxy appealed to me is because they have Polaris Office, an application to read/ edit Microsoft files easily. It's of utmost importance that I can handle Word and Excel documents easily because I deal with tonnes of them on a daily basis.

6. Video calls

The boyfriend is a little sad that I didn't get the iPad, 'cause then we could Facetime each other; but oh well, there's always Skype!

No picture because the video call is NSFW wtffff.
Kidding! I forgot to take a picture. T_T

7. Outfit pictures

The Tab is even lighter than my camera (the Canon S95, I am not even talking about my DSLR), so sometimes I prefer to only bring out the Tab-- it does the job of taking outfit pictures equally well!

Pastel plaid shirt with mermaid hem: Korea
Baby blue cropped skinnies: Dotti, Australia
Pink 'Honey' chain: Diva, Australia
Woven straw sandals: Topshop
Bag: Miu Miu

Bonus picture:

For those of you who wonder how tall I am..... T__T

And one more bonus reason for why I bought the Tab, which incidentally is also the deal-clincher for me-- the accessories.

1. The Tab has a USB port, which means you can plug it into your computer easily, or even plug in a mouse or a printer! :O

2. You can also buy a SD card reader for the Tab-- which means I can transfer pictures from my camera into the Tab!! This is really useful because when I travel I don't want to bring my laptop, but if I bring a normal tablet, there's no way I can transfer my pictures into the tablet (to blog). With this function, I can now survive on my Tab alone! :P

3. Coolest Tab sleeve ever

You can opt to get this tablet cover which comes with a built-in keyboard!! :O :O :O Which means I can use my tablet as a laptop (or netbook). This REALLY appeals to me because whilst a tablet is useful, I find that it cannot replace a laptop, especially in terms of typing. This stems from a phobia from my last trip to Korea where I was supposed to do an advertorial, but as my laptop died, I had to fully rely on the boyfriend's iPad (which I borrowed for the trip), and get this-- it took me 5 hours to do up an advertorial when it will usually take me at most 2 hours. -_____________- Typing a long article on a touchpad is no joke, I am telling you. But with this feature, I can plug in my mouse (remember the USB port!), and start typing away!

Too awesome.

You can choose from 2 keyboards: the left one is just a mobile keyboard, whereas the one on the right is the tablet cover I was talking about.

The Tab is now launched exclusively by Celcom:

You can get it for as low as RM1400++! I've only had my Tab for 3 days, and already I feel that my life is different wtf.

Check out more about the Samsung Galaxy Tab here!

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Sophea said...

I think you meant deal sealer as opposed to 'dealbreaker'.

Anonymous said...

actually, would be interesting to see the before and after of the kitchen makeover !

revel in me said...

sophea: Actually, I meant neither! I wanted to say deal-clincher lol. Thanks for pointing out!

anonymous: That would be my sister's forte! :P

ally said...

i like your eyes in the first picture /shy

but why is there nail polish missing from ur third finger ah? been meaning to ask u that for the longest time wtf

Anonymous said...

Is this all sales talk? Are you paid to promote the product to us?

revel in me said...

ally: 'Cause very hiao is it haha. Err I was lugging stocks and my entire gel nail polish came off. T_T

anonymous: It is a paid review, but I like the tab so much that I bought it after the review period, hence the raving! :)

Anonymous said...

you r actually taller than i thought! =p

Anonymous said...

happy that the tab is sooo good!!!!
but now no ka-ching ka-ching!!! hehe
and u r taller than me! FAINT DOT COM! hahaha

Anonymous said...

can the tab view flash websites? and show us a tour of your office!! hehe.

revel in me said...

anonymous: OMG how short do I really look in pictures! T_T

anonymous: Haha, YA! Really kind of broke especially 'cause I replaced my laptop last month. *dark* But so far I am really happy I got the tab! I reckon it's a pretty good investment.


anonymous: Omg, I forgot to list that as one of the reasons! YES, it supports flash! Which REALLY comes handy. <3

Joanne said...

now I'm tempted to get samsung galaxy tab! Like the concept of attaching it to keyboard.

revel in me said...

Joanne: Actually that was what really got me! 'Cause its ability to be a makeshift laptop is really super super useful in my position! The keyboard/ sleeve costs about rm300++!

Anonymous said...

Hey babe, u reli got us wanna have one of it! Can this tab make fon calls like a mobile fon?