Update: New post up below!
For any accounting student, the word ‘internationalism’ brings about loud snores. In your 3rd year accounting subjects, internationalization will refer to harmonization and convergence of various accounting standards in different countries… which is about as interesting as watching mold grow on bread.
But as I grow older, I realized just how inspiring internationalism is. Internationalism is the exact reason why my dad insisted on sending every single one of us overseas to study—because he wanted us to have an international degree that can enable us to move to any part of the world. I studied in Melbourne, and it was some of the happiest times of my life.
That’s where I met my Flat Hair Flat, i.e. my flat mates (we got the name ‘cause we all had straightened hair at that time, haha).
I got the freedom to do whatever I want, including exploring some of my interests:
I took up jewelry-making classes in Melbourne, which is something my parents would not be too keen on.
And best of all, I had some wonderful experiences that are truly unique to me… or at least to people who studied in Australia.
Picnics (specifically a hat party picnic).
This is not a wedding, but rather, one of the crazy dorm parties that are held about every other week.
And because of my inquisitive and curious nature, I chose to work in Singapore after I graduated. I was hungry for knowledge and experience, and I knew that international experience would be valuable for my professional growth. Internationalism opens doors, creates opportunities. In Singapore, I grew even more as a person, and I brought with me a lot of beautiful memories when I finally packed my bags to go back to KL.
This was a picture taken of my first day of work! My family came down to Singapore with me. :)
And because of the grueling work experience in Singapore, I came to appreciate what life has to offer even more—and has sort of embraced a ‘live in the moment’ philosophy. For that reason, I grasp any opportunities to travel, as much as I can.
I find that traveling and being overseas for the past few years have really opened my eyes and mind, in more ways that I can mention. I still fantasize about going to New York Univesity in the near future to study a Masters degree, and sometimes the boy and I talk about moving to Korea… I don’t restrict myself to anything, and for me, that's the beauty of internationalism: the world is opened up to you, and anything is possible.
But specifically after Azorias is born, internationalism becomes something truly exciting to me.
When people pat me on my back and tell me that they can’t wait to see go Azorias go international. When we send Azorias packages to countries like New Zealand and Norway, beyond our usual customers from Australia and Singapore. When people related our website and products to the likes of ASOS and Zara. When I met one of the Koreans who have helped us so much in our business in Korea recently, and saw the pride and excitement in his eyes when I told him we have visitors from all over the world, including Peru, Macao, Finland, Romania, and even Zimbabwe and Botswana!
Heineken’s focus on internationalism has inspired me to start thinking of myself and how all these international experiences have shaped and molded me. Remember the Art of Pouring event that I wrote about here? Heineken has truly made it international… a beer which you can consume in any part of the world. Not only that, Heineken’s newest campaign has the slogan ‘Open your world”, which I can totally relate to! Today, I am very open to different cultures and embracing all the possibilities life has to offer. So take a page out of Heineken’s book-- step out of your comfort zone and be a man of the world with confidence and open mindedness! :)
We still have a long way to go, but that’s the beauty of internationalism! The world is opened up to you, and anything is possible. :)
Thats the mock wedding from one of the halls isn't it!
They still have it nowadays :P
Yo love this post! You're doing so well! *sayang*
Although Azorias is your baby, but I feel the excitement! Hope to see Azorias grow and I believe it will :)
I'm a Malaysian living in Korea and trust me, any Malaysian here wouldn't want to stay forever. Korea is a place for traveling, eating and shopping, but not to live in ;)
best picture of us yet!!!
choco: YAYA! Were you from monash too? :D Clayton? :D
zahra: Aww, thank you, love! Your zest for life remains one of the biggest inspirations in my life! *hand to heart* :)
joanne: Thank you dear! I can only pray hard and work hard. :)))
anonymous: That's what the local koreans told us too! But I think it'd be cool to move there for a few years? What do you think? :)
jaclyn: My absolute fave! <3
Yes! :) I still am actually, got another semester to go :D
amazing how we managed to get that picture in spite of our proportions. haha
you lost so much weight!!
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