Friday, June 27, 2008

Vroom vroom bus.


Yesterday, right before our trip down to S'pore!

Magazines are important props for long trips. ;)
Does this look like a paparazzi shot or not!

I found my ladybug necklace. A pop of color for my outfit!
Ya la, the colors of my outfit very bland and sad, to suit my mood mah. :(

Jing, who wore a skirt to sit in the bus!! What if people take upskirt pictures. T__T

Gangster Teeny, whose hair color is getting lighter and lighter as the days go by. :P
Every day I see her, she is like a new person wtf.


And HAHHAHHA 'cause I was afraid that I will dirty my white Miu Miu bag in the bus, I kept it in the dust bag, and my sisters kept on throwing me dirty looks, HAHAHHAHA.
What la, I haven't gotten a leather protector what. :(

Okies, that's all, there is a juicy mother-daughter talk going on now!! :P



Here are some pictures of our first day of shopping! *big shiny eyes*

With Teeny, at the MRT station; btw, are we allowed to take pictures in stations *shifty eyes*.

This is her new hair color! No more unsightly, bleached hair, much to my mom's relief. But due to her previously bleached hair, her hair color is fading as the days go by-- from dark auburn to purple-ish red-pink, HAHAHAHA. Whenever she makes any movement to go to the bathroom to wash her hair (it fades whenever she shampoos her hair), Jing and I will scream after her: "NOOO! THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING!!" Hahahahhaa.

And oh! I was wearing my new Aldo cream T-bar maryjanes. I wish I could insert a smiley face behind the phrase, but unfortunately all I want to say is: WHO SAID ALDO SHOES ARE COMFORTABLE????

I think my feet died yesterday. :'(

With Jing. Do you like the back of my dress! :))) It has a bow-like design at the back. :)))

Teeny who was miserable 'cause she is on a really strict protein diet now! No carbs, no sugars.. not even fruits! =/

My mom told me that I looked slim in this dress. -_- I think she thinks I am fat all the other times. T_T (Ya, my mom rarely gives us compliments wtf)

Resting our feet.

I am telling you, I am supposed to be well-rested for the commencement of my work, but at the rate we are shopping, I am going to be absolutely knackered and exhausted by the time Monday comes by. -___- I already feel like my legs are going to drop off. T__T

And oh ya! You guys were right, there are a lot of gladiator sandals in Singapore. ;)


Anonymous said...

What juicy talk ah???

Oh, i recognize that store and that plastic bag. I used to work for that company. Haha

Hoi Gi said...

all the best in singapore dear! :D

The Faux Fashionista said...

Ehh, sit bus also wear so nice T__T Can totally understand your obsession with keeping the bag clean. I have this oversized white leather Coach bag sitting in my room in KL because I'm too afraid to use it -__-" Tried selling it but nobody appreciates leather Coach bags wan! All also go for the stupid C logo....the bigger the better so they can show it off on their arm *sticks out tongue* Okla I also own a SMALL one but is cheap mah in US, not like Malaysia where Forever21 and Gap is considered branded, and the price of ONE bag can buy 2 here >.<

Tee hee, sorry for the ranting I get carried away sometimes.

p.s. I love pork!

c r y s t said...

why u look nice in anything u wear arr? and why sit bus also dressed up so nicely arr?!! and me *heart* your meow meow bag and your ladybug necklace ;) have fun and all the best in spore!

Accyee said...

u look good in "bland" lah! haiyoh! heheh. anyway ur friend jing looks a bit lala and too nice for a bus! haha. anyway goodluck in Sg!

revel in me said...

sam dang: Haha, gossip about my mom's friends and our relatives, HAHA!

OHHHHH ya I know! Your family owns it right. T_T

hoi gi: Thank you, love! :)

the faux fashionista: Where got nice! It's only tank top and jeans + cardie. T_T And ya la, M'sians are damn obsessed with monograms wan! I was thinking of a plain Coach leather bag for work! :P And yaaaa, I know, in US coach bags damn cheap! :P

fellow pork lover <3

cryst: Why you so sweet ar! <333 And why you so judgemental, it's just jeans + tank top... T__T Yay, you gave credit to my ladybug necklace!! I damn love it too, although I *might* be too old for it wtf. Thank you dear! :D

revel in me said...

accyee: Haha, Jing is my sister la!! -__- HAHA, I called her lala mui too wtf. But no la, the way she wore it not lala! Maybe the picture not clear. T__T Thank you, love! :)

Anonymous said...

accyee: I don't like you wtf, you don't ever come back to this blog shoo shoo wtf! T______________________________T

And if u actually bother reading her blog at all, you should realized by now that Jing is her sister!

mustardqueen said...

hhahahaha YALAH accyee (how to spell?) so called number one fan always comment the first?? and you didn't know JING is our sister!!!??? HOW CAN!!?? and i doubt you know if TING (me..) is her sis as well... -___________________-

jeanchristie said...

teenyyy, u have short hair!

wen, i think its the first that i can see how different your hair is ahhaha :P

revel in me said...

jing: Eh why you so emo, HAHAHA! *sayangs*

mustardqueen: I think everyone knows you la wtf. :D

jean: HAHAHAHHA why you so mean! But thank you for the pat on the back, hahaha!

The Faux Fashionista said...

Ya I like the back of your cute! Actually I like your ladybug necklace too, reminds me of Kenneth Jay Lane jewelry (you must go check it out very nice one!), so no you're not too old for it :)))

And who said Aldo shoes are comfy? THey're a real b*tch to wear -___- (but they're having 50% sale now and so is 9 West)!

fellow shopaholic <3

Accyee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Accyee said...

i am sorry T___T

g®åc∑ land said...

love the dress u're wearing <3

mustardqueen said...

T___T I'm a new person again today wtf hahahahaah I havent shit since 2nd day of atkins day 10 today/// I WANNA NGMM NGMMM!!! T______T

Kathryn said...

Jing : i think you look HOT (: dont worry about how people comment about the way you dress..

all the best in singapore babes!

And shopping is gooooooddd (:

The government of Singapore should be thankful to have you : P
just joking .. hugs*

jmeei said...

I really like your hair now! <33

ally said...


*books next flight there*

k said...

this is my first time ever seeing you wear a "normal" outfit.

Hanis Zalikha said...

your siblings so best. semua stylish and daring. ladybug necklace comel gila!

revel in me said...

faux fashionista: Heehee, I KNOW, the back of the dress was one of the main reasons why I bought the dress. :P And I checked out Kenneth Lay Jane stuff already, quite niceeee! But so ex. T_T And haha, I did an entry last time, asking for people to recommend comfy good working shoes, and a lot of people told me aldo and ninde west are good. I kena cheated. T___T

accyee: HAHAHAHHA eh just ignore them la! They were kidding. :P *sayangs*

graceland: Thank you, dear! <333

mustardqueen: Haihhh I was eyeing your hair this morning, lighter again. T_T And poor baby, you have stones in your intestines already wtf.

baby kat: HAHAHHAHA WTFF why everyone tells me statements like that wan! When I left melbourne, my friends told me aussie economy crashed 'cause I left. T_T And thank you, love! :D

jmeei: /boo Thank you love! But it's the same as my old hair right! Just that finally people can see that I have dyed my hair wtf. <3

ally: Last season aussie got gladiators? Now don't have 'cause winter right. T_T Haha, you want or not, I can help you buy! :) Or beter yet, you come down to visit me! <333

skim: HAHHAHA what you mean normal outfit! So usually I wear clown suits ar WTF. T_T

hanis: Haha, I know, we LOVE dressing up! <3 And heee, I love my ladybug necklace insanely too. :D

pj said...

u & jing look good :)

i like Teeny's style - the blue checkers are kinda like Daisy Duke-ish (minus the ditzyness) and she look cute in pink + skirt.. esp combining rocker accessories.

pj said...

btw, saw Teeny here :

still holding money :P

Anonymous said...

accyee: It's okay! :D We all friend back okay.. *shake hands wtf* ;D

Anonymous said...

hi i like the shoes in the first pic no luck trying to find anything like that so far i________i

Anonymous said...

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