Monday, May 21, 2007

Wee hours' ramblings.

Grocery time with one of my favourite girls! :)

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Which explains the avalanche of snacks in my room now.
That, I might add, I am having a binging attack on.

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And I thought it was so cute that we both wore our Sass and Bide shirts!
Unplanned k. ;)

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It was so cold today! I guess it's time to accept that winter is coming after all. :(

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And I was walking to university today, all wrapped up in my (slightly more) heavyweight cardigan, and braving the really strong winds.
When out of habit (not vanity!), I touched my hair, and realised that my headscarf was gone!

The winds actually blew it away, off my head!!
So I was frantically touching my head all over, to find the scarf...

When I realised it was dangling on my ear.
And I walked around in campus like that.

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jmeei said...

You look so cute with your hair up! x

revel in me said...

jiameei: Aww, thanks love! <3