Saturday, April 07, 2007

A day in my life.

Just an insight into a typical shopping trip with me.

1. Go into the day with the mantra, "I shall not spend money today".

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Then break it.

2. Camwhore with friends for ultimate productivity.

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Ignore the fact that Kit Mey is twice my height. Or else.

3. Shamelessly try on clothes outside, 'cause the queue for the fitting rooms is too long.

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4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, and intercede it with some can't-make-up-my-mind discussions.

Step 4 annoys evil salesgirls with warts.

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5. Always appreciate alone- time.

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6. Don't be afraid to try out new styles.

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7. Conscience time.

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This is my guilty face!

Feel bad for your purchases.
And move on.

8. Always recharge.
Chocolates is the way to go.

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And finally, always, always, always hold on tight to your goal in life.

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I want to be a tai tai.


Anonymous said...

That's an awesome pic! Does chor min know u want to be a tai tai? The poor have to pay for you're shopping! =)

mustardqueen said...

yeee....what's with the bag wey...

So not ur style...

revel in me said...

ran: Oh, I make sure he knows! :D But he doesn't pay for my shopping...

YET! ;)

mustardqueen: The bag is nice laarr!! Took me damn long to find a nice camel-colored bag k! It is damn IN in melbourne, hee... And it's easy to match clothes!

Say it with me, it's NICEEE! :)

Anonymous said...

Owhhhh, I can so relate! *sympathetic smile* ;)

revel in me said...

jing: Relate to what? My goal in life? Or my shopping habits? :P