I have an assignment due next Monday.
I have an exam on the same day. Mind you, an exam that pertains a history of a failure rate of 90%.
And on top of that, I just got chosen to make a presentation on Monday!!
Fuck, this brings Monday Blues to a new level.
How am I gonna do this??? :( :( :( :( :(
Guess I just have to.....
Keep on swimming, keep on swimming....
just keep swimming swimming swimming *whee* *sings along with huiwen* ahaha i can imagine you singing that song ;)
grace_t: And I can so imagine you singing along with me!!!
And all the others will be giving us the '-_-" look. :P
ahahah aiyah we're all used to that look adi la hahaha ;) it's the same one they give us when we're shamelessly camwhoring in the weirdest places :D
nyahahaha....u realise u got rhe wrong lyrics????
grace_t: Hehe, I know that look all too well... ;)
mustardqueen: Hah??!! Then what's the real lyrics like???
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